
Researching the Treasure of Culture by Sharing —— A simp...

发布日期:2018-05-24 浏览次数:1651

       On the day of May 22nd, 2018. There was a China-India younger culture exchange learning meeting, between the business &management and marketing students from Anhui Lvhai Business Vocational College and Mr Krunal Thummar who from Medic&Managent School of University of Science and Technology of China , has been held in room 108, first teaching building. During the full meeting conversations and discussions was happened in English only.


       This time of the meeting, our tutorial teacher Mr Hua and the student representative Miss Jiang presided meeting. Firstly, they summarized and introduced the topic and process of it and gave welcome letters. After that, we would enter the most important step called free sharing and communication. Students enjoyed the experiences that Mr.Krunal Thummar gave warmly introduced the culture of India. We have various of topics: 1.The origin of the culture of China and India,2.The differences between them,3.How to enhance the culture communication relationship. During the meeting, we got warm talking about some topics which we are all familiar. Finally, the ending of the meeting was finished with a friendly atmosphere.      

       This meeting could be concluded into some topics such as communication, cooperation, development and sharing.We also got the support of college and department.By this type of sharing activities, we completed the aim what we hope to do carrying forward Chinese culture, absorbing abroad cultures, widening our international field of vision and trying to help the communication. Also, it helped our students to learn English speaking skill and build a relationship with our foreign friend.




       2018年5月22日, 威尼斯官方入口金融管理专业和市场营销专业17级学生和来自中国科学技术大学医学与管理专业的Kiunal Thummar先生在教学楼108教室开展了一场中印青年文化学习交流会。活动全程用英语进行交流。   

       本次交流会,由两班共同的辅导员华夏君和营销171班学习委员江雨同学联袂主持,首先,两位主持人介绍了本次活动的主题和流程,并向本次交流会致辞。在开场之后, 便进入了本次交流会最重要的环节,:自由交流分享。同学们都非常热情地和Kiunal Thummar先生进行交流, Kiunal Thummar先生也非常热情的介绍了自己国家的文化习俗。整场交流会精彩纷呈, 主要分为三个部分:一是关于对中印两国文化的的起源; 二是关于中印两国文化的差异; 三是关于如何促进中印两国文化交流。活动中,双方就一些比较熟悉的问题展开了热烈的交流,气氛活跃,效果明显。最终,交流会在一片祥和的气氛中圆满结束。       


图/文  华夏君   校译/Cardinal   审核  夏英祝

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